Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
What Is DBT?
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based treatment implemented through skills training, group therapy, or a combination of the two.
Dr. Schmidt offers formal individual DBT skills training, as well as integrates specific DBT skills in standard therapy based on the patient’s treatment goals.
A big part of DBT is integrating values work, or what the developer of DBT (Marsha Linehan, PhD) calls “building a life worth living.” This means discovering what is important to our short- and long-term goals and what makes life meaningful for each of us.
DBT includes 4 modules of skills:
The ability to stay present and aware
Emotional Regulation
More effectively managing intense or unhelpful feelings
Distress Tolerance
The ability to ride intense waves of emotions and get through tough situations without making them any worse
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Finding clarity in our relationship goals, which may include more effectively advocating for our self-respect, asking someone for what we need, or working to maintain a healthy relationship
Who Does DBT Work For?
DBT is effective at treating a wide array of symptoms, including relationship discord and difficulty managing intense emotions and recurring crises, which often shows up in depression, anxiety, Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, and PTSD.
Additional DBT Resources
Rogers Behavioral Health

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